(08) 9631 4400
Welcome to Dowerin District High School
an Independent Public School

Together We Strive
Recent News....
Allergy Aware School
On Monday our school nurse, Kathy Wilton completed the annual refresher with staff about the use of Epipens and Anapens. These pens are used to treat students if they are having (or suspected to be having) an anaphylactic reaction. Staff had the opportunity to practice using both types of pens just in case they need to do so in 'real life'. The school has training pens readily available all the time so staff can have a 'refresher' any time they choose. Complimenting this practical session, all staff have completed the Department of Education's online Anaphylaxis Training professional learning module.
The Department of Education endorses an 'allergy aware' approach rather than food bans. To support this, students are not permitted to share food and there is promotion of ensuring hands are washed if high allergy foods are consumed.
Parents can support the health and wellbeing of our students at risk by ensuring they do their best to eliminate high allergy foods, such as nuts and eggs, from lunch boxes.
School Board Annual Open Meeting
We encourage all of our parent community to attend the School Board Annual Open Meeting on Monday, April 7th at 4.00pm in the school library. All parents were recently informed by email that we are seeking parents to take up positions on the School Board. There are 4 meetings per year to discuss school policy, budget and adherence to Department of Education requirements. Use the link to find out more about School Boards.
School councils and boards - Department of Education
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss the role further or would like a nomination form.
P&C General Meeting​
There was a very good attendance at the P & C AGM last night . Shae reflected on the many achievements of the P & C over the last 12 months and acknowledged the great service of long time Treasurer Jo Holberton. In 2025, the committee is:
President: Shae Donegan
Vice President: Kelly Whitehurst
Secretary: Josh Nelson
Treasurer: Josh Ward
Fundraising Coordinator: Tracy Bruce
Uniform Coordinator: Michelle Bear
P & C Publicity and Promotion: Lou Hagboom
The P and C are keen to get your feedback and would appreciate it if you would share your thoughts and ideas by completing this SURVEY. Responses are anonymous and will be presented at the next meeting.
What's On....
Principal's Message...
"Reflecting our motto, TOGETHER WE STRIVE, Dowerin District High School students, parents, staff and the wider community unite to give our students the opportunity to be the best they can be academically whilst maintaining and developing social and emotional wellbeing. Together we promote the values of learning, excellence, equity, and care for self and others.
Dowerin District High School has an enthusiastic and capable staff who make admirable use of excellent resources and strong links with the school and wider community to deliver an engaging and varied curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 10.
I invite you to explore our website and encourage you to contact me should you wish to further discuss any aspect of our school."
Barbara Garner
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